Lulesamisk rättstavning (Norge/Sverige)
A spellchecker for Lule Sami, made by members of the language community, and by the Divvun and Giellatekno groups at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Most spellers in Borealium are built using the GiellaLT infrastructure, based on open source code. There are other spellers as well, both open and closed source.
On Windows the GiellaLT spellers work in MS Office, LibreOffice and several other apps. On macOS the GiellaLT spellers work in most apps.
To use the GiellaLT spellers in LibreOffice for macOS, you need to manually install a separate LibreOffice extension.
The spellers from GiellaLT are installed using Divvun Manager, and they are also kept up-to-date automatically by Divvun Manager.
Tillgänglig på Divvun Manager
Divvun Manager är ett gratis och öppet källkodsverktyg för att hantera språkliga resurser som stavningskontroller, tangentbord och talsyntes. Det stöder macOS och Windows.