- Korp for Skolt Sámi
In Korp for Skolt Sámi you can search Skolt Sámi texts. The text corpus is grammatically annotated.",
- Sá
Terminology and dictionaries for the Sámi languages
- NDS for Skolt Sámi
Dictionary resources for Skolt Sámi
- Webdict from Giellatekno
A simple and fast dictionary, works also offline.
- Skolt Sámi Online Spellchecker
Online spellchecker for Skolt Sámi: paste in your text and get checks.
- Skolt Sami spellchecker
A spellchecker for Skolt Sami, made by members of the language community, and by the Divvun and Giellatekno groups at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Language learning
- Oahpa for Skolt Sámi
Learn Skolt Sami using a number of various exercises.
- New Amigos
Language Learning Directly from a Native Speaker.