- List of legal terms
Online list of legal terms in North Sámi, Norwegian and Finnish.
- Jouni A Vest: Suomi–Saame
Online dictionary between North Sámi and Finnish
- Sá
Terminology and dictionaries for the Sámi languages
- NDS for North Sámi ⇐ Spanish
Neahttadigisánit dictionary from Spanish to North Sámi.
- NDS for North Sámi ⇔ Inari Sámi
Neahttadigisánit dictionary between North and Inari Sámi.
- NDS for North Sámi ⇔ Norwegian Bokmål
Neahttadigisánit dictionary between North Sámi and Norwegian Bokmål.
- NDS for North Sámi ⇔ Finnish
Neahttadigisánit dictionary between North Sámi and Finnish.
- Webdict from Giellatekno
A simple and fast dictionary, works also offline.
- North Sámi Online Spellchecker
Online spellchecker for North Sámi: paste in your text and get checks.
- North Sami spellchecker
A spellchecker for North Sami, made by members of the language community, and by the Divvun and Giellatekno groups at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Korp for North Sámi
In Korp for North Sámi you can search North Sámi texts. The text corpus is grammatically annotated.
- Sámi Machine Translation
Machine translation between North, Lule, South and Inari Sámi. Not all combinations available.
- Machine translation from North Sámi
Machine translation from North Sámi to Norwegian bokmål, using Apertium. Optionally, the output can be smoothed using ChatGPT, but with the risk of changing the content.
- GramDivvun
Divvun Grammar checkers
- Oahpa for North Sámi
Learn North Sami using a number of various exercises.
- New Amigos
Language Learning Directly from a Native Speaker.
- North Sámi Female Voice - Biret
The North Sámi female voice Biret is based on the same recording that was previously made in a cooperation between the Norwegian Sámi Parliament and Acapela (ca 2012-2015). The old recordings have been augmented with new recordings with the same speaker.
The voice can read Norwegian, and partially Swedish and English, in addition to North Sámi.
- Nuorttasáme boallobievde
Nuorttasáme boallobievde UiT:a Divvun- ja Giellatekno-juohkusijs. Windowsij, macOS:aj, Linuxij, ChromeOS:aj, mobijlajda ja pettajda. Hiebaduvvam Vuodnaj, Svierigij ja Suobmaj.